‘They’re Such Losers!’ Joe Scarborough Taunts Trump Supporters — Like Catturd — Who Baselessly Claimed French Elections Were Rigged


MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough had a good laugh on Monday at the expense of supporters of former President Donald Trump crying “rigged” over the European elections that swung left.

During a conversation with Financial TimesEdward Luce, Scarborough interjected some mockery over the “losers” on the right who claimed without evidence that the elections in France and the United Kingdom were rigged. In France, Marine Le Pen’s populist National Rally party was defeated by French President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist party as well as the country’s leftist New Popular Front in a series of legislative elections. In the United Kingdom, the Conservative party Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was ousted by the left-wing Labour party, ushering in new Prime Minister Keir Starmer and an overwhelming Labour majority in Parliament.

Over the weekend, Trump supporters went viral for questioning those election results, including pro-Trump MAGA influencers like Catturd:

Scarborough compared Catturd and his ilk to “five-year-olds” who are just “bad losers”:

Luce: What I hope is that Democrats will draw some lessons from this because I don’t think there’s any force in the democratic world quite as toxic as Donald Trump. And you probably noticed yesterday that there were a lot of Republicans and supporters of Trump saying that the French elections involve cheating. Not even Marine Le Pen said that. So they don’t just assume cheating–

Scarborough: They’re such losers.

Luce: In American elections.

Scarborough: Not only are they losers, they’re bad losers. They’ve lost in ’17, ’18, ’19, ’20, ’21, ’22, ’23. They lost in Britain, they lost in France, they lost in Poland. And they’re still doing the whole, “Oh, they cheated.” They’re like five-year-old kids who are just not good at the game. I do want to, like this is very important and we need to push back on something that has been a media narrative now for quite some time, and that is that the populist right has taken over Europe. When you look at what happened in Britain, when you look at what happened in France yesterday, when you look at what happened in Poland earlier this year, or was it the end of last year? Shocking result in that the most pro-Europe candidate is actually is now, for the most part, running Poland, which has really strong populist sort of, the strong populist undertow. We really are seeing, as you say, in Europe, the center holding.

Watch the video above via MSNBC.

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