‘There’s Cheering in Mar-a-Lago’: Karl Rove Says Biden Is ‘Gonna Lose’ If He Stays in the Race


Fox News contributor Karl Rove said that President Joe Biden’s decision to continue his candidacy despite calls for him to step aside is being celebrated by Donald Trump and his supporters.

Biden turned in a putrid debate performance late last month, prompting alarm among Democratic lawmakers and donors. The president has since had one sit-down interview and multiple phone interviews. Though not as bad as the debate, his responses in those interviews were also shaky. Questions about Biden’s cognitive abilities have reached a fever pitch as he continues to lag in the polls behind the former president.

The president has dismissed the idea he is unable to make the case against Trump and he believes he is Democrats’ best hope.

“There’s cheering in Mar-a-Lago for that sentiment,” Rove said on Monday’s installment of The Story on Fox News. “Look, the polls are indicating that this race is widening for Trump, and it is because that debate confirmed the feelings that a vast majority of the American people have had for over a year and a half – that Joe Biden is too old to be an effective president, particularly when he would be 82 if he were to be reelected and serve until 86. That debate was not an off moment. It was not a bad night. It was a reflection of the reality of who Joe Biden is at the age of 81.”

Rove said that while Biden is within his rights to be “stubborn,” he is only helping to return Trump to the White House.

“He’s gonna lose,” he added.

Watch above via Fox News.

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Mike is a Mediaite senior editor who covers the news in primetime.