‘The President Did Not Do a Good Job’: Campaign Co-Chair Says ‘Nobody Is Defending’ Biden’s ‘Bad Performance’ at Debate


Mitch Landrieu, the co-chair of President Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign, conceded on Monday that Biden “did not do a good job” during CNN’s first presidential debate last week.

“The debate performance obviously has raised questions,” CNN host Anderson Cooper told Landrieu on his show. “Clearly this is not the debate performance you guys wanted.”

Landrieu responded, “Anderson, let me be very clear about this. The president did not do a good job the other night during the debate. He actually acknowledged that himself. He talked about that the next day. Nobody’s defending that performance; it was a bad performance.”

However, he went on to argue, “A debate performance does not a great president make, and the president has four years of receipts. He has got a great team of people that have been with him from the beginning.”

Landrieu then noted that the overwhelming majority of former President Donald Trump’s cabinet members had said they would not vote for him in 2024, including former Vice President Mike Pence.

“One of the things that was mentioned during the debate, that Donald Trump tried to put lipstick on a pig, was the fact that 40 of his 44 cabinet members have now said they would not vote for him and are asking us not to vote for him,” he declared. “His vice president, who was in the midst of that insurrection, whose life was almost lost, also said, ‘I’m not gonna vote for him.'”

During Cooper’s same show on Monday, CNN political analyst Carl Bernstein also revealed that several sources “very close to” Biden had been concerned for more than a year about the president’s “cognitive decline.”

Watch above via CNN.

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