NewsNation Sends Letter to Israel ‘Demanding Access’ for Journalists in Gaza: ‘Allow the Public To See for Themselves’


NewsNation sent a letter to the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday “demanding access” for international journalists into Gaza to cover the ongoing conflict.

“Many of you have asked about my recent criticism that Israel should allow media to be on the ground in Gaza,” said NewsNation anchor Chris Cuomo on his show, Wednesday, before revealing:

NewsNation agrees, and has sent a letter demanding access. Why? The obvious. There’s no way a conflict of this magnitude should be going on without a fair appraisal from the ground, and I have to be honest, I understand why the IDF, why Israeli politicians would be concerned about people seeing what they’re doing, but that’s only more reason to have people see what they’re doing. And also, they’re worried that they may injure journalists, as they have in the past. But that is not their choice to make. That is the choice of a free media and that is a choice that we freely make. So, I encourage you, if you care about seeing the reality on the ground, figuring out how bad the suffering is, what the real numbers are, or getting close to it, let it be known that you want to see more coverage of the actual realities. The players pay attention to social media. Your voice will be heard.

In the letter, which was shown on-air during Cuomo’s show, NewsNation protested that since the beginning of Israel’s bombing campaign in Gaza more than seven months ago, the world had been forced, for the most part, to rely on “social media posts by people with an obvious bias and no allegiance to traditional journalistic standards of objectivity” due to Israel’s refusal to allow international journalists into Gaza.

NewsNation argued that by “granting independent journalists access inside Gaza,” Israel “could allow the public to see for themselves what is happening with food aid intended for civilians, as well as whether Hamas tactics include operating in civilian enclaves, public infrastructure, and in and around hospital facilities.”

“We stand with our colleagues in the international journalism community who have called on the governments of Israel and Egypt to allow free and unfettered access into Gaza,” the letter declared. “We also join our colleagues in their call for adherence to international laws intended to protect non-combatants, including journalists.”

NewsNation concluded, “In short, we, as journalists, believe we have an essential role to play in the public’s right to know the details of a life-and-death struggle that will have international repercussions for years to come. We are asking your permission to allow us to fulfill that vital role.”

Watch above via NewsNation.

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