NBC Senior Politics Reporter Credits Dr. Oz With ‘Making the Media Report on Fetterman’s Health’


NBC senior politics reporter Jonathan Allen credited Pennsylvania Republican Senate nominee Dr. Mehmet Oz with “making the media report” on his Democratic opponent, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (D-PA).

“Today we’ve got a clear decision,” said Oz on Tuesday. “John Fetterman is either healthy and he’s dodging the debates because he does not want to answer for his radical left positions or he’s too sick to participate in the debate.”

Following a soundbite of that playing on MSNBC’s Hallie Jackson Reports on Tuesday, fill-in anchor Joe Fryer asked Allen if Oz’s rhetoric about Fetterman’s health is helping or hurting Oz nine weeks ahead of the midterms.

Allen said he’s unsure whether it’s helping or hurting Oz “with the voters.” Nonetheless, said Allen, “what it is doing, though, is it’s making the media report on Fetterman’s health and that is something that there had not been a lot of during the summer.”

Allen mentioned Tuesday’s Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial questioning whether Fetterman is healthy to serve in the Senate.

“If Mr. Fetterman is not well enough to debate his opponent, that raises serious concerns about his ability to serve as a United States senator,” stated the editorial.

“If Mr. Fetterman’s communication skills have not yet recovered sufficiently to effectively debate his opponent, many voters will have concerns about his ability to represent them effectively in Washington,” added the editorial. “While he has gamely undertaken more campaign events and media interviews in recent weeks, Mr. Fetterman still speaks haltingly and relies on closed captioning to fully understand his conversation partners.”

Watch above via MSNBC.

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