Jesse Watters Asks Dog the Bounty Hunter How to Catch Escaped ‘International Serial Killer’


Fox News host Jesse Watters asked celebrity criminal catcher Dog the Bounty Hunter how he would go about catching an escaped murderer who is currently on the run in Pennsylvania on Friday.

During a segment on Jesse Watters Primetime, Watters asked the television bounty hunter, whose real name is Duane Chapman, what tactics he would use to find and capture convicted murderer Danelo Cavalcante, who escaped from Chester County Prison last week.

“I would be, of course, using a bloodhound to track him. Unless it rains, a bloodhound’s gonna catch him,” Chapman declared. “They can go up to five days, I think the record is, before they catch him. His size, you know Charles Manson was 5 foot 2 and hid in mailboxes. This guy’s five foot, so he can hide anywhere, but the bloodhound is gonna smell him out. I owned one for eight years and they are incredible. My dog never missed anyone.”

On how long it would take for authorities to catch Cavalcante, Chapman said, “I would think, like you said Jesse, within a couple hours they’ll probably have him. I don’t think he’s been able to get a weapon, so they might take him alive.”

Chapman went on to warn, “We’re going to see a lot of these international serial killers because the border is open now and that door swings both ways. He left Brazil because of murder, he did another one in America, he can go right across the border again and go to some other place. So they’ve got to catch this guy right now.”

The bounty hunter boasted, “I caught hundreds of fugitives in the terrain— like you can’t use a bloodhound in the city streets, but in the terrain he’s in right now, if he’s there, that bloodhound will catch him,” before concluding:

I had a bloodhound named Blue for eight years and they are incredible. The greatest smelling, besides a pig, a hog, is a bloodhound, and their nose, they hold the smell in their wrinkles, then every once in a while you let them smell the piece of clothing again and they get so excited. I mean, they’re gonna catch this guy.

Watch above via Fox News.

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