James Carville Predicts Biden Dropping Out Is ‘Inevitable’: ‘Everybody Knows What’s Going on Here’


Democratic strategist James Carville called President Joe Biden’s decision to drop his reelection campaign “inevitable” amid growing concerns about the 81-year-old’s health.

“We’re up against a wall, the Democratic Party is, the United States of America [is],” Carville, a former advisor to Bill Clinton, told NewsNation’s Chris Cuomo on Monday.

Questions around Biden’s health have intensified following his CNN debate against Donald Trump and a pair of follow-up interviews. A White House press briefing on Monday turned to chaos at one point as White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was pressed on a Parkinson’s doctor visiting the White House.

Carville previously said another candidate is needed to replace Biden, but he’s now saying with confidence that the president will eventually choose to step down on his own, dismissing his recent declarations to the party that he’s going nowhere.

“Everybody knows what’s going on here. We’ve all been through it. We’ve seen our parents go through it, our grandparents, our aunts and uncles and neighbors and relatives. This is all a matter of time here,” Carville said.

The Democratic strategist dismissed the argument that only Biden can defeat Trump. He did not name any specific names, but Carville referenced seven Democrats who could currently defeat Trump. In a New York Times op-ed this week, he suggested Barack Obama and Clinton help in picking a new candidate.

Biden will come to the conclusion, he said, that this is “not a good idea.”

“He’s going to come to the conclusion that this is just not a good idea and he’s going to resist it and he’s going to listen to his family,” he said.

Carville said the Democratic Party is currently “dilly-dallying around” with the Biden decision so he wants to completely focus on the next step ahead of November.

“I don’t predict things. I’m just telling you it’s inevitable. He will come to the conclusion,” Carville said about Biden. “People will get the message to him. He will understand. His family will understand. They’ll pray on it and they’ll make the right decision.”

Watch above via NewsNation.

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Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.