‘I Would Literally Twist You,’ Chris Cuomo Tells Tucker Carlson


NewsNation anchor Chris Cuomo boasted on Monday that he would “literally twist” Tucker Carlson, despite conceding that Carlson is otherwise “tougher” than him.

During an interview between the two former cable news stars that aired both on NewsNation and the Tucker Carlson Network, Cuomo opened up about his experience getting “shitcanned” by CNN in 2021.

“You’re tougher than I am. Not physically, I would literally twist you like a band-aid,” said Cuomo, as Carlson burst into laughter.

He continued:

But you have more resilience about this than I did. I still feel like I’m on one knee and getting back up, and what motivated me to come back was two things– three things. One, my wife told me I had to. Two, she was like, “You gotta get up and, you know, we’ve got kids, you’ve gotta get up, you’ve got to do something with your life that is helping people and making something of this place. That’s what we’re supposed to be about. You are not about that right now. You’re a space rug right now. That’s what you are, you’re a 230-pound lump on the floor. Get up, do something with your life.”

Cuomo added, “My response was that I was embarrassed and I knew she was right, but sometimes you know what’s right but you don’t have the energy, the will, or the self-confidence or belief to do it.”

Reacting to critics who suggested he had “crossed a line” by appearing on Carlson’s show, Cuomo questioned, “Says who? Says you in the media who also cast me out?”

He concluded, “It doesn’t make any sense, except if you’re just playing a stupid game that has rules about who you’re supposed to like and who you’re not supposed to like, and I’m not gonna be that for two reasons. One, it’s a stupid game, and two, I lost that game.”

During the same interview on Monday, Cuomo confronted Carlson about the mean comments he had previously made toward him, which led to Carlson replying, “I’m a dick.”

Watch above via the Tucker Carlson Network.

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