‘I Couldn’t Tell the Lie’: Former Republican Congressman Ken Buck Tells Jon Stewart Why He Left Congress


Former Republican congressman Ken Buck told Daily Show host Jon Stewart on Monday that he left Congress because he “couldn’t tell the lie” that the 2020 election was stolen.

“I think the problem right now is everybody gets their news sources in silos and they just keep getting reinforced with certain ideas,” Buck told Stewart, before recalling, “I went to a neighbor’s house the day after the 2020 election, their flag was upside down.”

“You live next to the Alitos?!” Stewart interrupted as Buck and the audience laughed.

The former congressman continued, “Close. I knocked on the door and asked them, ‘Your flag’s upside–” I thought they made a mistake!”

After Stewart asked, “Do you miss Congress in any way? Do you feel it was a job left undone for you?” Buck, who retired from Congress in March, replied, “I left because I couldn’t tell the lie. 2020 election wasn’t stolen. The January 6 defendants aren’t political prisoners.”

“You’re a victim of cancel culture,” Stewart suggested, prompting Buck to respond, “Well, one, I’m not a victim. If anything, I am absolutely blessed beyond belief with six grandkids.”

He continued, “But, you know, there’s a lot of life out there besides arguing about nothing and telling lies, and so I made a choice to go enjoy what I’ve got left.”

Buck went on to say:

I think there is a leader out there that will unify and help unify America, and it’s somebody who has great morals, somebody who has great leadership skills. A John F. Kennedy. You know, I probably wouldn’t have said this 20 years ago, that he was a great hero, but you look at what John F. Kennedy did in terms of bringing the country together during the Cold War and moving us forward. There is somebody there that will help America heal and move forward.

However, he concluded, “I know it’s not Ken Buck and I know that it’s not one of the two candidates leading the country in the polls right now.”

Watch above via The Daily Show.

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