Hannity Asks Trump, ‘Do You Want Joe Biden to Step Aside?’


Fox News host Sean Hannity asked former President Donald Trump on Monday whether he was hoping President Joe Biden will step aside following his disastrous performance in CNN’s first presidential debate.

“Mr. President, do you want Joe Biden to step aside? Do you care?” asked Hannity during a phone interview with Trump on his show.

“Well, we prepared for him, but I don’t think it’s gonna matter,” replied Trump. “We had a great four years, our border was the strongest ever, our economy pre-Covid was incredible, the best ever. But then when we got hit with the gift from China, the China virus, that came and we did a fantastic job.”

Trump continued to boast about his accomplishments during his first term in the White House, before adding, “We’re heading into World War III in my opinion with this man semi-running things. ‘Cause he’s not running things, the people that surround the Oval Office, the people that surround the Resolute desk, the beautiful Resolute desk, they’re really running things in Washington I suspect, and it’s very bad.”

“What do you make all of the talk that if Biden steps aside or is pushed out, that it would be Vice President Harris?” questioned Hannity. “Do you expect that much would change?”

Trump responded, “Well, I think that it will be her. I think they are very concerned about the vote if it’s not her. They are very, very– I mean, they’re gun-shy, they don’t want to do it any other way. I’ve actually come to believe that’s what they’re going to do.”

He concluded, “I think she’s an ineffective person, she was in charge of the border, she’s never been there, she didn’t do a good job, and she hasn’t done a job on a lot of other things, but it would seem to me from a political standpoint that’s who they’re going with. They’re not even talking about alternatives.”

Watch above via Fox News.

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