CNN Data Analyst Predicts Doom For Democrats: Biden Loss Will Cost Both House and Senate


CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten highlighted more bad polling news for Democrats on Tuesday, predicting a potential sweep of Congress if Donald Trump wins the presidency in November.

Enten joined John Berman on Tuesday and showed off some of the latest aggregated poll data, including from CNN/SSRS, Wall Street Journal, and Monmouth University all showing Republicans with a two or three point advantage in House races. Enten argued it’s President Joe Biden’s low polling that is affecting down ballot races.

“Joe Biden may be in slightly worse shape in these polls, but the fact is when Biden is down four, five, six points in these polls, you can only run so far ahead of Joe Biden and at this particular point, at least in the race for the House, it does seem like Republicans are ahead because Donald Trump is so far ahead,” he said.

On the Senate side, Republicans need a gain of one and they are likely to get it if Trump wins, Enten added. Their likeliest gain will come from West Virginia where Sen. Joe Manchin (I-WV) is retiring. The moderate Democrat announced in may he was leaving his party and registering as an independent.

Based on current polling data, Enten continued, Democrats may not be able to stop Republicans from taking another seat and possibly control of the Senate.

“So the fact is if Donald Trump wins this election, the race for the Senate in all intents and purposes in my mind is over,” he said.

The same party has won the presidency and Congress since 2012 when Republicans took the House, but Barack Obama was elected president.

“If Biden loses, the chance of Democrats holding the Senate is close to zero because of the map and WV being an easy GOP pickup,” Enten wrote on X.

It’s only the latest bad news Enten has offered Democrats, highlighting on Monday the historic polling struggles Biden is having.

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Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.