Trump Touts Chris Christie’s Criticism of Colorado Ballot Decision After Months of Petty Insults and Fat Jokes

Donald Trump and Chris Christie

Carolyn Kaster, AP Photo

Former President Donald Trump touted the critique of a Colorado Supreme Court decision removing him from the ballot made by his political ally-turned-enemy Chris Christie on Tuesday after spending the better part of this past year leveling personal attacks against the former New Jersey governor.

On Tuesday, Trump posted a screenshot of Christie’s initial, transcribed reaction to the controversial court ruling.

“I do not believe Donald Trump should be prevented from being president of the United States by any court. He should be prevented from being president by the voters of this country. I don’t believe it is good for our country if he is precluded from the ballot by a court. It is bad for the country if that happens,” said Christie. “The reason I believe that is because he will have had to incite insurrection, be a part of an insurrection, for him to be excluded. There’s been no trial of him on that. And while I have very strong feelings about that, I also have very strong feelings that the people of this country deserve to have a trial before their rights are taken away from them.”

“I know it will be counter-intuitive for a lot of people who listen to me about Donald Trump, but I hope this goes to prove that I don’t hate him, I just think what he has done is horribly wrong,” added Christie.

Trump’s promotion of Christie’s comments comes after months of petty insults and fat jokes directed at his GOP primary rival.

Just last month, Trump mocked Christie at a conference in Florida when he pretended to hear a man call Christie a fat pig.

“Sir, I’m sorry. He is not a fat pig. Okay. This man, he is not a fat pig. No, it’s true. And you can’t you can’t use the term fat. You’re allowed to use the word pig, but not fat,” declared Trump. “No, the man just said ‘he’s a fat pig.’ And I said, ‘No, he’s not a fat pig!’ So now the press can’t kill me because all I’m doing is responding. I’m responding. He is not a pig!”

In another instance in June, Trump mocked Christie after he announced that he would challenge Trump for the Republican presidential nomination.

“How many times did Chris Christie use the word SMALL? Does he have a psychological problem with SIZE? Actually, his speech was SMALL, and not very good,” wondered Trump. “It rambled all over the place, and nobody had a clue of what he was talking about. Hard to watch, boring, but that’s what you get from a failed Governor (New Jersey) who left office with a 7% approval rating and then got run out of New Hampshire. This time, it won’t be any different!”

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