Trump Mocks Nikki Haley With Christie’s Brutal Hot Mic Slam — Then Kicks Him Too For Good Measure


Donald Trump on Wednesday mocked Nikki Haley over remarks from Chris Christie that were captured by a hot mic before the former New Jersey Governor’s announcement he was suspending his campaign. “I happen to believe that Chris Christie is right,” said Trump.

Before his scheduled town hall event on Wednesday, at which he was set to step away from the GOP primary race, Christie was briefly caught on a hot mic trashing Haley as unable to compete.

“She’s gonna get smoked,” said Christie. “She’s not up to this.”

Christie also tore into Trump viciously at that town hall, but at his own event Trump skipped that part when moderator Martha MacCallum brought up Christie dropping out and asked the ex-president whether Christie’s supporters might go to Haley.

“I’m not exactly worried about it,” said Trump before taking the opportunity to bring up Christie’s remarks – and to bash Christie too, for good measure.

“Now, you know, Chris Christie was in and he got a hot mic I heard about. I thought, actually, the biggest story wasn’t the fact that he dropped out, nobody cared too much about that,” said Trump. “But he had a hot mic where he was talking to somebody about the weather, and he happened to say that she doesn’t have what it takes. She’ll be creamed in the in the election. And I mean, I know her very well, and I happen to believe that Chris Christie is right.”

“That’s one of the few things he’s been right about, actually,” said Trump.

When moderator Bret Baier asked if Trump thinks it will change the dynamic in New Hampshire, Trump was dismissive of the idea it matters either way.

MACCALLUM: That was the big news late today. The former governor of New Jersey dropped out of the race in New Hampshire. You saw it there. There’s a lot of speculation now that there could be a combining of forces of the people who supported him, He had about 12% there. And by some estimates, you’re ahead by an average of 14 in the Real Clear Politics average polling in New Hampshire. So if that 12 goes to Nikki Haley, she could give you a run for your money there.

TRUMP: Well, you know, you have Democrats in New Hampshire and they vote and you have independents in New Hampshire in large numbers and they vote. And I have polls that show me leading by a tremendous amount in New Hampshire and a lot in Iowa, and nationwide we’re leading by almost 60 points. So I’m not exactly worried about it. I understand New Hampshire very well. I’ve won it twice and did very well with New Hampshire. I love the people. They love me, I think. We did a good job for New Hampshire economically and even from the standpoint of the military taking care of the vets. And I think we’re going to do very well in New Hampshire.

Now, you know, Chris Christie was in and he got a hot mic I heard about. I thought, actually, the biggest story wasn’t the fact that he dropped out. Nobody cared too much about that. But he had a hot mic where he was talking to somebody about the weather, and he happened to say that she doesn’t have what it takes. She’ll be creamed in the in the election. And I mean, I know her very well. And I happen to believe that Chris Christie is right. That’s one of the few things he’s been right about, actually.

BAIER: So you don’t think it changes the dynamic much?

TRUMP: I don’t know if it does or not. Look, we’re winning tremendously here. We’re I think we’re 20, 24 points up. I brought some polls if you want them, you know, just in case. But I think we’re 24, 25 points up. But New Hampshire is interesting. It’s a great place, a great state, unbelievable people. But they allow Independents and Democrats to vote in the Republican primary. You say, what’s that all about? So it’s a little bit false in that regard. But even with that I think we’ll win substantially.

Watch the clip above via Fox News.

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Caleb Howe is an editor and writer focusing on politics and media. Former managing editor at RedState. Published at USA Today, Blaze, National Review, Daily Wire, American Spectator, AOL News, Asylum, fortune cookies, manifestos, napkins, fridge drawings...