‘What The F*ck!’ Progressive Cenk Uygur Absolutely Trashes ‘Fraud’ Fetterman Over Harvard, Israel, and ‘Turning Into a Republican’


John Fetterman and Cenk Uygur

Progressive commentator Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks went off on Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman over the weekend, calling the Democrat a “fraud” over his recent political stances.

Fetterman has been causing consternation on the left of late with what seems to be some turning away from the progressive image put forth by his campaign in 2022.

Most recently, Fetterman weighed in on the state of free speech at Harvard University, where Claudine Gay was just ousted as president over findings of plagiarism made amid increased scrutiny over her answers to congress about anti-Semitism on campus.

“As an alum of Harvard — look, I graduated 25 years ago, and of course it was always a little pinko. But now, I don’t recognize it,” said Fetterman, who has been steadfastly with President Joe Biden in supporting Israel in the Gaza war.

Uygur, a committed progressive who has declared as a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2024, voiced the frustrations of many liberals who have watched the shift since the election.

Fetterman “is telling everyone how he’s not a progressive, he rejects us and is now calling Harvard ‘pinko.’ What the fuck?” wrote Uygur. “This is why people lose hope, because of frauds like Fetterman.”

“You work hard to get a progressive elected and they turn into Republicans instantly,” he said. In a subsequent tweet he suggested a new poll would show the Senator’s “numbers went down significantly” in Pennsylvania and called him a “cheerleader” for “killing innocent Palestinians.”

Back in December, Uygur said the populist image cultivated by Fetterman was also destroyed, calling him a “mouthpiece for the establishment.”

For his part, Sen. Fetterman has not replied to Uygur on his X account.

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Caleb Howe is an editor and writer focusing on politics and media. Former managing editor at RedState. Published at USA Today, Blaze, National Review, Daily Wire, American Spectator, AOL News, Asylum, fortune cookies, manifestos, napkins, fridge drawings...