Top Dem Quickly Reaffirms Support For Biden After Reports He Called President ‘Very Very Fragile’


AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) reaffirmed his support for Joe Biden after reports surfaced that he claimed the president was “very fragile” during a meeting with top Democratic lawmakers.

In a virtual meeting with Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) on Sunday, ranking members including, Reps. Jerry Nadler, Mark Takano (D-CA), Joe Morelle (D-NY), and Adam Smith (D-WA) reportedly pushed the idea of Biden leaving the presidential race, according to Punchbowl News co-founder John Bresnahan.

Although Beyer was not one of the four ranking lawmakers who called on the president to step aside, multiple reporters on Capitol Hill claimed Beyer suggested Biden should allow Vice President Kamala Harris to take his place as the nominee if he leaves. Moreover, he was quoted referring to Biden as “very fragile” man who has “trouble putting two sentences together.”

Bresnahan cited the quotes from his sources at the meeting, along with other Punchbowl News staffers, Jake Sherman and Heather Caygle.

“He’s clearly very very fragile. Fragile physically although his handshake is very firm. Also really has trouble putting two sentences together,” Beyer reporidely told the other lawmakers.

“My perfect world is Joe — in deciding after talking to Leader Jeffries, Majority Leader Schumer, others — steps aside now, let Kamala run as the incumbent, which I think makes her even stronger. With that, I’m a team player. I’ll do whatever the team wants,” Beyer allegedly added.

Following the reports, Beyer’s office issued a statement from the lawmaker where he vowed to continue helping “the Biden-Harris campaign” defeated former President Donald Trump.

“I support President Biden. I support the Biden-Harris ticket, and look forward to helping defeat Donald Trump in November. I was proud to host an event this week in Northern Virginia with the President, and will continue doing all I can to support the Biden-Harris campaign in Virginia and across the country,” said Beyer.

Following the CNN debate last week, media pundits, donors, strategists, and some Democratic lawmakers have called on the president to leave the race. At times during the debate, Biden had trouble answering questions coherently and had a raspy voice.

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