‘She’s Gonna Get Smoked!’ HOT MIC Catches Chris Christie Trashing Nikki Haley Live At Town Hall Event


Before his town hall event in New Hampshire where he was expected to withdraw from the Republican 2024 primary race, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was caught on a hot mic trashing his opponents, and particularly former ambassador Nikki Haley, who many thought he might endorse at the event.

In the livestream on YouTube, which has since been taken down, the wait screen was still showing when a microphone suddenly turned on as Christie was mid-sentence, and he proceeded to say that Haley is “going to get smoked.”

“I mean, look, she spent $68 million so far, just on TV. Spent $68 million so far, $59 million by DeSantis. And we spent 12. I mean, who’s punching above their weight and who’s getting a return on their investment, you know? And she’s going to get smoked. And you and I both know it. She’s not up to this,” he said.

He was starting to talk about Ron DeSantis when the mic cut back off.

“You know, I talked to -DeSantis called me, petrified that I would …,” he began. Presumably the remainder of that sentence was going to be that DeSantis was worried Christie would endorse Haley at the Town Hall, during which Christie did eventually withdraw from the race.

Shortly after the audio was captured and posted at Mediaite and elsewhere, both DeSantis Donald Trump weighed in to agree with Christie’s assessment of Haley.

Listen to the clip above via the Chris Christie campaign on YouTube.

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Caleb Howe is an editor and writer focusing on politics and media. Former managing editor at RedState. Published at USA Today, Blaze, National Review, Daily Wire, American Spectator, AOL News, Asylum, fortune cookies, manifestos, napkins, fridge drawings...