‘She Is Not a Physician!’ House Hearing Turns Tense As Biden Cabinet Official Asked About Invoking 25th Amendment


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told a House hearing on Tuesday that President Joe Biden is “extremely effective” in high-level meetings and that she has not heard of any talk of using the 25th Amendment to remove him from office following his disastrous debate performance.

Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) was questioning Yellen about her past meetings with the president and asked, “As a cabinet secretary, have you noticed any mental or cognitive decline in any of these meetings?”

“The president is extremely effective in the meetings that I’ve been in with him. That includes many international meetings that are multi-hour, like his meetings with President XI. I’ve met with him with other leaders who,” Yellen replied as Lawler cut back in, “Are you testifying that you have not seen any mental or cognitive decline?”

A Democrat on the panel then interjected with a point of order, “Mr. chairman, a point of inquiry. She’s not a physician.”
“It’s not a medical question. It’s it’s her interpretation as a member of the cabinet,” shot back Lawler.

“I move to have those words taken down. Mr. chairman, I move to have those just taken down. She is not a physician!” demanded the Democrat before being gaveled down.

“She’s answered the question. Let’s move on. You’re recognized for the balance of your time,” continued House Financial Services Committee Patrick McHenry (R-NC).

“Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Madam Secretary, have there been any discussions among cabinet secretaries about invoking the 25th Amendment?” Lawler asked.

“No,” replied Yellen.

Watch the clip above via C-SPAN.

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Alex Griffing is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Send tips via email: alexanderg@mediaite.com. Follow him on Twitter: @alexgriffing