Ramaswamy Vows To Withdraw From Maine Ballot Over Trump, Demands Haley and DeSantis Do Same Or Else They’re ‘Complicit’


If the decision to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 primary ballot in Maine stands, declared candidate and die-hard Trump supporter Vivek Ramaswamy will withdraw his own name, he vowed this week, and he challenged the other Republican candidates to do the same or be considered “complicit.”

MSNBC on Saturday played clips of some of the Republican candidates reacting to the move by Maine to take Trump off the ballot, to include Chris Christie and Ron DeSantis in addition to a clip of Ramaswamy’s promise, and MSNBC correspondent Emma Barnett read a statement from Nikki Haley’s campaign.

“I stand by my pledge. Any state where Donald Trump is forcibly removed from the ballot in this way, I’ll also remove myself. And I challenge Chris Christie and Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis to do the same thing,” said Ramaswamy in the clip.

He also tweeted the vow after the news broke about Maine’s ballot.

“This is what an *actual* threat to democracy looks like. The system is hellbent on taking this man out, the Constitution be damned,” he said. “I stand by my prior pledge to *withdraw* from any state’s ballot that ultimately removes Trump from its ballot. I call on DeSantis, Christie, and Haley to do the same – or else they are tacitly endorsing this illegal and brazen election interference in the GOP primary.”

Several other times in the last several days the Trump-supporting Ramaswamy has doubled and tripled down on the vow which he first made after Trump was removed from the Colorado ballot.

“In any state where Donald Trump is forcibly removed from the ballot in this way, I’ll also remove myself. And I challenge Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, and Ron DeSantis to do the same thing, or else they are also complicit,” he said. “If every Republican removes themselves from the ballot in Maine, that automatically stops this election interference in our GOP primary.”

On Saturday he repeated the promise at multiple campaign events, during which he variously said any GOP candidate who does not do so is “complicit” or a “puppet” like the Democrats.

The “system” is going to do anything it can to stop Trump, he told his audiences.

“It’s wrong. I’ve done everything I can. I said I would take my name off the ballots in Colorado or in Maine if they keep him off the ballot. I ask every other Republican to do the same thing because that’s how we protect the GOP primary against election interference,” said Ramaswamy. “I’ve done everything I can. The other GOP candidates refused to do it.”

Watch the clips above via MNSBC and the Ramaswamy campaign.

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Caleb Howe is an editor and writer focusing on politics and media. Former managing editor at RedState. Published at USA Today, Blaze, National Review, Daily Wire, American Spectator, AOL News, Asylum, fortune cookies, manifestos, napkins, fridge drawings...