NEW POLL: Pennsylvania Republican Voters Are Once Again Backing Mastriano Despite 15-Point Loss in 2022 Midterms

Doug Mastriano on Election Night 2022

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Pennsylvania Republican voters seem to be sticking with Doug Mastriano, despite his solid thrashing in the 2022 gubernational midterms against then-Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (D).

According to a new poll conducted by Public Policy Polling, 39% of Pennsylvania Republicans said that they would vote for Mastriano as their next Senator in a hypothetical primary that included David McCormick, who received 21% of the support, while Kathy Barnette got 11%.

In a head-to-head face-off against McCormick, Mastriano holds a 42%-28% lead over the former CEO of Bridgewater Associates.

In the pool of voters who identified as “somewhat conservative,” Mastriano outpaced McCormick with a 41% to 29% lead.

The poll was conducted on March 9-10, 2023 of 616 likely Republican primary voters.

In the 2022 midterms, Mastriano, who was backed by former President Donald Trump, lost to Shapiro by close to a fifteen-point margin.

Mastriano only officially conceded five days after the vote count.

The far-right candidate campaigned in 2022 on providing no exception to abortion.

The retired military officer was also criticized for his efforts to overturn the 2020 Presidential election and for appearing on Capitol steps during Jan. 6 insurrection.

Despite his extreme positions, 47% of Pennsylvania GOP voters view him in a favorable light while 28% view him as unfavorable, according to the poll.

If the Pennsylvania Republican decides to run in 2024, he would ultimately face Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), who has held the seat since 2007.

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