Michael Moore Calls State of Biden’s Campaign the ‘Cruelest Form of Elder Abuse I’ve Ever Been Forced to Watch’


Filmmaker Michael Moore equated President Joe Biden’s current reelection campaign to “elder abuse” following his CNN debate performance against Donald Trump and a follow-up interview with George Stephanopoulos.

On the latest episode of his Rumble podcast, Moore said he was “gobsmacked” watching the debate and dismissed reasons like jet lag and a cold from Biden and his team as “malarkey” excuses for Biden’s performance. Amid growing calls for Biden to be replaced at the top of the Democratic Party’s ticket, Moore questioned whether he should even remain in the White House until November.

“This is about whether he should serve another four days,” the Fahrenheit 9/11 director said.

Moore cited multiple mistakes made by Biden during the debate and argued his campaign completely flubbed the debate, especially by putting the president through days of debate prep.

Moore said:

If I have to be the only one to stand for Joe Biden — that’s right, you heard me say that — if I have to be the only one to stand up for Joe Biden here, to protect him from the cruelest form of elder abuse I’ve ever been forced to watch, well then that’s what I’ll do. He was in epic distress that Thursday night. Every cognitive default in his mind seemed to be shutting down. If this had been somebody that you truly cared about, loved, embraced, what would you have done? Would you have seriously even let him go out on that stage? Who would send an 81 year old out onto any stage to debate a living monster at nine o’clock at night for a brawl that would not end until 10:42 p.m.? Honestly, have any one of you ever looked at the clock, saw that it was getting near 11 p.m. and said to yourself, ‘I think I’m going to give grams and gramps a call’?

Moore then found himself agreeing with a comment from Trump during the debate, saying he’s perplexed as to how anyone on Biden’s campaign can still have a job. He also called for an “independent” neurologist to examine the president.

Moore has been a vocal critic of Biden, especially on the subject of the Israel-Hamas war, but his latest comments mark the sharpest from the liberal filmmaker. Moore previously helped organize a movement in Michigan that saw more than 100,000 people vote “uncommitted” in the state Democratic primary as a protest against Biden’s support of Israel and their Gaza strikes.

“Trump was right — I know, there’s words I’ve never spoken — Trump was right when he turned to Biden to ask him what his problem was as to why he never fires anybody,” he said. “It’s amazing to me how a week later now anyone on this campaign staff still has a job! How is that possible?!”

If Biden willfully steps down, Moore added, he’ll save his legacy.

“President Biden, thank you for the good you have done. You will be remembered throughout the ages. But not if you let your enablers hound you into doing what your body is begging you not to do. Be the one who not only stopped Trump but also the brave man who gave us our first woman in the Oval Office. She will complete your mission — and we will stand beside her,” he said. “This is your moment in history. Let the doctors examine you. Then do the right thing.”

Moore joined MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin on the same day his podcast dropped and echoed his “elder abuse” points, specifically accusing the Democratic Party machine around the president.

“The problem here is that I think there is a form of elder abuse going on here where the Democratic Party and the people that are part of the apparatus are pushing and pushing him to stay. And then he comes out and says ‘I am staying,’ and the family says ‘I am staying,'” he said.

Moore called the debate and following interview from Biden “heartbreaking.”

“In spite of my criticisms with Biden, watching the debate a week ago was heartbreaking. It was like, imagine that was your father up there. I’m thinking, why isn’t anybody doing anything?” he said. “Why did they let him go out on the stage in this condition? Who is looking out for him? Who is looking out for him right now?”

Watch above via MSNBC.

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Zachary Leeman covered pop culture and politics at outlets such as Breitbart, LifeZette, BizPac Review, HollywoodinToto, and others. He is the author of the novel Nigh. He joined Mediaite in 2022.