Josh Hawley Declares At Convention He Is ‘Advocating Christian Nationalism’

Josh Hawley

@NatConTalk on Twitter/X

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) spoke at 2024’s National Conservatism conference — better known as NatCon — and made a bold declaration in support of Christian Nationalism.

Speaking from the podium during NatCon 4’s gala dinner on Monday, Hawley stated: “Some will say I am calling America a Christian nation, and so I am. Some will say I am advocating Christian nationalism, and so I am.”

Hawley, who contested the results of the 2020 election ever after the January 6 insurrection he was caught on video fleeing from, has made a name for himself as a far-right rabble rouser in the Senate in his positions on the Israel-Hamas War, conservative family values, and even questioning Republican leadership.

Hawley was one of several sitting U.S. Senators invited to speak at NatCon, which promotes far-right views on nationalism and states on its site: “Where a Christian majority exists, public life should be rooted in Christianity and its moral vision, which should be honored by the state and other institutions both public and private.” (Just a couple of sentences later, it also states: “Adult individuals should be protected from religious or ideological coercion in their private lives and in their homes.”) While it does not specifically mention Christian Nationalism, it appears to go right up to the line. Hawley, on the other hand, appeared to step right on the line in his remarks.

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