‘It Was a Lie. It Was Always a Lie:’ GOP Official Suing Kari Lake Takes Victory Lap In Defamation Suit

Kari Lake Says John McCain Insults Were For the Lolz, Insists He Would Have Laughed

AP Photo/David Goldman

Kari Lake, Republican senate candidate and failed 2022 GOP candidate for governor of Arizona, declined this week to defend her past statements in a defamation lawsuit. Lake is being sued by Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, an elected Republican, alleging that Lake’s attacks on him and claims of voter fraud in his county led to harassment and threats against him and his family.

Lake announced on X Tuesday that she won’t defend the accuracy of her claims in court and that “by participating in this lawsuit, it would only serve to legitimize this perversion of our legal system.”

Richer hit back in a statement of his own, saying, “After months of doubling down and defending their lies across Arizona, in the media, and on social media, when push came to shove, the Defendants decided to completely back down and concede that their lies were just that: lies.”

“Because of their actions, my family and I have faced an endless barrage of threats — including calls for our execution — I have lost close personal relationships, and I have had my reputation irreparably damaged,” he said, adding, “I have said from the beginning that no one is above the rule of law and today further validates that belief.”

Lake, a close ally of former President Donald Trump, has been a lightning rod of controversy since ending her career as a local news anchor and embracing MAGA politics. A former Obama supporter, Lake was one of the most vocal candidates in 2022 pushing the debunked claim that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. Lake also claimed her 2022 election was rigged, even before voting had begun.

Richer, whose county was key to Biden narrowly winning Arizona in 2020, continued to lambast Lake on X Wednesday. While Lake is no longer contesting her culpability in the lawsuit, her legal team is still disputing the damages.

“It was a lie. It was always a lie,” Richer wrote on X, adding:

She did it to get your $25.
Or to fire you up.
But it was all a lie.
There were no “300,000 fraudulent early ballots” etc.
She defamed me.
But she also lied to you.

Richer also wrote, “But I’m happy to start investigation on damages. Reminder that she says this case looks a lot like Rudy’s and Trump’s — I’m fine with those final dollar figures.”

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Alex Griffing is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Send tips via email: alexanderg@mediaite.com. Follow him on Twitter: @alexgriffing