Charlie Kirk Worries Trump’s Still Fretting Over 2020 Election: ‘Does Not Do Us Any Good’


Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk warned on Monday that former President Donald Trump’s obsession with the results of the 2020 election would not do the Republican Party “any good” in 2024.

During an interview with Kirk on his show No Spin News, former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly said, “I think that Trump’s obsession with 2020 still continues to hurt him in this election. Am I wrong?”

Kirk replied, “First, I’ll say that there’s a season for all things, and when it was really a, let’s just say a recent wound, I think it was helpful to talk about ways we could’ve secured the election better and things we could’ve done better in 2020.”

He added, however, “I will say though, in this season we’re in right now, talking about 2020 does not do us any good, so I’m in full agreement. For example, I think a trap question that might be thrown at Donald Trump this debate will be if Jake Tapper asks Donald Trump, ‘Do you accept the 2020 election results?'”

Kirk concluded, “I think how he navigates that question is important.”

Trump is currently fighting two indictments – one state and one federal – related to his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

This month, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos told CNN, “Who won the last election?” would be the most important question to ask Trump during the first presidential debate.

CNN anchor Chris Wallace, meanwhile, predicted there would be “zero chance” that Trump doesn’t bring up the results of the 2020 election himself during the first presidential debate.

Watch above via No Spin News.

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