‘Not at All ANGRY’: Trump Lashes Out at Maggie Haberman For Reporting He Blamed Melania For Midterm Loss

Donald Trump yelling

Photo credit: Justin Sullivan, Getty Images.

Former President Donald Trump wants you to know that he is totally not mad at all about his endorsed candidates suffering humiliating losses in Tuesday’s midterm elections — he posted that he was “not at all ANGRY,” because calm and serene people frequently type in all caps — and while he was absolutely definitely not upset, he also furiously attacked New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman over her recent reporting that he was actually pretty mad about the whole thing.

To recap, Haberman reported on Wednesday about the ex-president’s anger over Mehmet Oz’s loss to John Fetterman in the Pennsylvania Senate race, tweeting that “Trump is indeed furious this morning, particularly about Mehmet Oz, and is blaming everyone who advised him to back Oz — including his wife, describing it as not her best decision, according to people close to him.”

Haberman’s tweets followed her reporting from the previous day that Trump was “quicker to anger” and “frequently in a state of near-rage about not being president anymore.” Jim Acosta tweeted similar news from his own source among Trump’s advisers, who told the CNN anchor that Trump was “livid” and “screaming at everyone” about the election results, as well as dunking on his boss’ chosen candidates as “all bad.”

Trump himself weighed in on Thursday in two posts on his Truth Social account, blasting Haberman as a “third rate reporter” with the “Failing New York Times” and misspelling her name as “Hagaman.” It should be noted that Trump has voluntarily spoken on the record to Haberman countless times over the years, and she often reports scoops that are so rich with juicy inside-Trumpworld details many have speculated that Trump himself — or a member of his inner circle acting under his express direction — is the source.

In the first post, Trump denied Haberman’s report that he was “blaming our great former First Lady, Melania, and Sean Hannity” — the Fox News host had also been a vocal backer of the celebrity television doctor — for the decision to endorse Oz, calling it a “Fake Story.”

“First of all Oz is a wonderful guy who really worked hard and was a very good candidate, but he WAS LONG IN THE RACE before I ever Endorsed him, they had NOTHING to do with it, he was not a “denier” (his mistake!),” wrote Trump, “& I was not at all ANGRY. Fake News!”

In a second post a few minutes later, Trump offered an apology “to Melania and Sean Hannity for all of the Fake News and fictional stories (made up out of thin air, with no sources despite them claiming there are!), being dumped on you by reporters and “News” Organizations who know these stories are not true.”

“The Fake News Media is ‘Crazed’ and totally out of control,” Trump added. “I only wish the public could understand how really corrupt and crooked they are. They MAKE UP stories and then push them down your throats. Our Country is in big trouble!”

UPDATE 11:15 am ET: Trump is continuing to totally definitely not be mad about the midterms or the reporting about him being mad about the midterms, posting again on Truth Social.

“For those many people that are being fed the fake narrative from the corrupt media that I am Angry about the Midterms, don’t believe it,” he wrote in his latest definitely not angry post. “I am not at all angry, did a great job (I wasn’t the one running!), and am very busy looking into the future.”

“Remember, I am a ‘Stable Genius,'” he concluded, as calm and not-at-all-angry stable geniuses are wont to do.

As multiple commenters on Twitter have pointed out, the former president is sounding a lot like a viral @dril tweet from 2014:

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Sarah Rumpf joined Mediaite in 2020 and is a Contributing Editor focusing on politics, law, and the media. A native Floridian, Sarah attended the University of Florida, graduating with a double major in Political Science and German, and earned her Juris Doctor, cum laude, from the UF College of Law. Sarah's writing has been featured at National Review, The Daily Beast, Reason, Law & Crime, Independent Journal Review, Texas Monthly, The Capitolist, Breitbart Texas, Townhall, RedState, The Orlando Sentinel, and the Austin-American Statesman, and her political commentary has led to appearances on the BBC, MSNBC, NewsNation, Fox 35 Orlando, Fox 7 Austin, The Young Turks, The Dean Obeidallah Show, and other television, radio, and podcast programs across the globe.