‘What Did You Do With The Semen?’ Stormy Daniels Chokes Up Revealing ‘Horrific’ Details Trump Prosecutors Asked Her For


Porn star and director Stormy Daniels choked up as she told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow the kinds of details prosecutors asked about her encounter with former President Donald Trump.

Daniels sat for an interview on a special two-hour  edition of MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show — much of which involved her bombshell testimony at Trump’s hush money-election interference trial.

One bit of testimony that was excluded from the trial was Daniels’s infamous description of Trump’s genitalia.

But during her interview with Maddow, Daniels got emotional as she revealed other explicit details she revealed to prosecutors that were not part of her testimony:

RACHEL MADDOW: And what do you mean? Then again, there’s some objections there that happened between the lawyers and the judge. But what they’re discussing there is whether you are implying that that you had been drugged or that you didn’t– alright.

What you’re really, it seems to me like what you’re really trying to say is there’s parts of the sexual encounter that I don’t remember even now. And, and I was and I asked them out.

STORMY DANIELS: I have to tell you, Rachel, like, and I did write about this in my book when I was going in meetings and prosecutors over and over. And they were nice people. They tried to be gentle with me.

They were asking me the questions over and over, because they wanted to make sure that they were doing their job correctly. They were also probably trying to prepare me for how also the defense was going to be for me. Although no one could have prepared me for how awful that woman was to me and how much she slut-shamed me, or tried to.

They asked me such (chokes up) like horrific specific questions. Like, “did his tongue dart in and out of your mouth?”.

And I don’t even know if you can use some of this. Just cut it out–. “When he was touching your breast, did he, like, flick or roll or your nipples? Like, what did it skin feel like? Can you describe it?”.

Things that would prove, you know, when he said he didn’t use a condom, “well what did you do with the semen?”.

And that made me remember things that I didn’t remember and told that, like, oh, I remember being in the car, going back and then having to wipe it off my leg like, this is the this is the graphic stuff that is not in the testimony that could have been.

As I remembered more of that, it still makes me. It narrows down the window of what I remember, I don’t remember.

There’s still a tiny part that I don’t, and what I have blacked out, I have now started to remember is so terrible. What am I still not remembering?

RACHEL MADDOW: Yeah. Why do you think you have blocked some of it out?

STORMY DANIELS: Everything I just said and just. I just felt her.

RACHEL MADDOW: Your brain essentially protecting you from the memory?

STORMY DANIELS: Yeah, and I thought that there was something wrong with me or like that I didn’t. I didn’t say this stuff because I thought people would say that I was lying or making up.

Watch above via MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show.

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