Vox Senior Correspondent Tweets and Deletes Prewritten Obituary for Samuel Alito


Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Vox Senior Correspondent Ian Millhiser tweeted and deleted a prewritten obituary for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito on Tuesday morning.

It is not clear why the post was taken down, but a screen grab shows at least some of what Millhiser wrote. Its posting is also confirmed, as it was in embedded by the conservative tweet aggregation site Twitchy.

“August is a slow month so I’m spending my morning updating some of my prewritten obituaries,” Millhiser tweeted.

He shared an image of what he had apparently been working on, but a full view of the text is largely not readable. One sentence fragment notes it is generally “considered to be quite gauche to speak ill of the recently deceased.”

Another line reads, “Samuel Alito, who died on XXXX, was not devoid of any positive traits,” and was a “highly effective advocate for conservative causes.”

Millhiser has not issued any comments about the tweet, including why it was posted or deleted.

The screenshot was originally taken of a quote tweet from Townhall columnist Derek Hunter.

Hunter shared it, and commented, “What a sick fucker Ian is, trying to inspire someone to murder a Supreme Court Justice. Are we supposed to care if this backfires on him?”

Townhall web editor Rebecca Downs shared the screenshot, and tweeted, “Kudos to @derekahunter and @TwitchyTeam for highlighting Ian Millhiser’s truly bizarre and deranged tweet about Justice Alito’s future obituary…”

Alito is alive and well, and in good health at 72 years old, as far as Mediaite is aware.

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