‘Time To Wake The F**k Up’: Two Hollywood Titans and Dem Donors Call on Biden to Drop Out


AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Filmmaker Damon Lindelof, co-creator of hit TV series Lost and a prominent Democratic supporter, urged fellow party donors to halt funding contributions until President Joe Biden withdraws from the 2024 presidential race after his “game-changing” debate performance.

In an editorial for Deadline on Wednesday, Lindelof praised Biden as “a good man and a great president” but insisted the 81-year-old is not suitable for another term.

Lindelof wrote: “I’ve been asleep at the wheel and it’s time to wake the fuck up. There is a choice before us and the choice is this — Do we leave our pitcher on the mound or do we go to the bullpen for relief?”

He continued: “Our president’s debate performance has been characterized in many ways; disappointing, upsetting, terrifying. But for me it was simply game-changing. So yes, let’s go with the bullpen please. Let’s go with relief.”

Attacking the White House’s dismissal of calls for Biden to end his campaign, Lindelof added: “The checks give us access to power… we can shout as much as we want, but the pitcher will ignore us despite our checks.”

“I propose a DEMbargo. No checks written. No ActBlue links clicked. For anyone,” Lindelof wrote.

The screenwriter adds his voice to a growing number of high-value Hollywood donors advocating for Biden to step aside. Netflix co-founder and executive chairman Reed Hastings told the New York Times in an email the same day that “Biden needs to step aside to allow a vigorous Democratic leader to beat Trump.”

Hastings, along with his wife, Patty Quillin, is known for being a major financial supporter of the Democratic Party, having contributed over $20 million in recent years. Their substantial donations include $1.5 million to Biden’s 2020 campaign and $100,000 last summer for his 2024 bid.

As the rift deepens, between those loyal to Biden and those wishing for a switch of candidate, the president’s campaign is going all in on an interview with ABC News anchor George Stephanopolous set to air on Friday in a vid to reassure supporters of his competency.

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