‘That’s Called A Peaceful Transfer Of Power’: Joe Scarborough Calls ‘Trump Fans’ To Learn From Defeated UK PM Sunak


Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough called on supporters of former President Donald Trump to take note of outgoing UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s acceptance of electoral defeat in the nation’s election in a concession speech delivered Friday.

Scarborough compared Sunak’s departure to Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election result, which culminated in the January 6 Capitol riot by Trump supporters.

Morning Joe led with a clip from the UK’s new leader, Labour’s Keir Starmer, who told attendees: “Country first, party second isn’t a slogan. It’s the guiding principle everything we have done and must keep on doing.” This was followed by showing a clip of Sunak’s resignation speech, in which he acknowledged the “clear signal” that British voters had sent the government in the form of a landslide defeat for his party and the “honor” it was to serve the public.

Sunak went on to say: “Today, power will change hands in a peaceful and orderly manner, with goodwill on all sides. That is something that should give us all confidence in our country’s stability and future.”

Scarborough said: “For trump fans out there, that is what you call, are you ready for it, you ready? Because I know we don’t have it here in the United States. You have no idea what it is called. That’s called a peaceful transfer of power.”

He continued: “Actually, that’s what we had in the United States of America from the late 1700s until the year 2020, when Donald Trump refused to do it.”

The host added: “See? It’s better that way. It’s better that way because you actually let the voters decide. That’s what democracies, constitutional republics are all about.”

Watch above on MSNBC.

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