‘No Choice’: Prominent Dem Reverses Himself After Coming Out Against Biden


Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), a prominent member of the House Democratic caucus and the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee reversed himself on Tuesday morning, telling reporters that he was going to stand behind President Joe Biden despite his concerns that Biden may not be able to defeat Donald Trump this November.

While it had previously been reported that Nadler was pushing for Biden to step aside during a Zoom call with other Democrats on Sunday, he seemed resigned to the fact that Biden would not give up his spot on top of the ticket Tuesday before entering another caucus meeting where the issue is going to be discussed.

Asked directly if he wanted Biden to drop out, Nadler replied in the negative. Asked if his change in heart was a “pragmatic consideration,” the congressman said “Well, yeah. He [Biden] said he’s gonna remain in, he’s our candidate, and we’re all going to support him.”

“Well that kind of leaves you with no choice then, I take it?” inquired the reporter.

“Well, yes,” acknowledged Nadler. “As the president said, something like 90% of Democrats voted for him in the primaries, he won the nomination.”

According to Axios’s Andrew Solender, Nadler also said “Whether or not I have concerns is besides the point. He is going to be our nominee and we all have to support him.

Watch above via CNN.

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