New Poll Finds Clinton-Harris Stronger Ticket To Beat Trump Than Biden-Harris



A new poll found a Clinton-Harris ticket as the strongest Democrat option to defeat former President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election, as concerns about President Joe Biden’s capability to carry the campaign continue.

The Bendixen & Amandi survey, which offered a range of options for the Democratic nominee and tested alternative potential tickets versus Trump, was published exclusively by Politico on Tuesday.

According to the poll, if Vice President Kamala Harris were the nominee, she’d lead Trump by a narrow margin of 42 percent to 41 percent, while former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the 2016 presidential candidate, surpasses both Harris and Biden, leading Trump 43 percent to 41 percent.

The poll highlights that a Clinton-Harris ticket holds the strongest position, with even a four-point lead over Biden-Harris, at 43 percent to 40 percent against Trump.

Fernand Amandi, the Miami-based pollster behind the survey, told Politico: “I’m really surprised by Hillary’s strength. While some dismiss her as yesterday’s news and a candidate of the past, voters at least in this poll suggest they may be open to a Clinton comeback and that a ticket with Clinton as president and Harris as vice president is even ‘stronger together’.”

Despite her apparent appeal, Clinton said that she would not run again.

The poll also examined other Democratic contenders should Biden step aside. California Governor Gavin Newsom and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer both trailed Trump by three and four points, respectively.

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