Jon Karl Opens ABC’s This Week With Stunning Commentary on the Stakes of 2024: ‘This REALLY IS The Most Important Election of Our Time’


For the second straight week, ABC’s This Week opened with a stunning commentary — this one about the stakes of the 2024 election.

Right at the outset of Sunday’s show, host Jon Karl — filling in for George Stephanopoulos — pointed to a oft-repeated refrain about elections, and argued that, for once, it actually applies.

“For as long as I’ve covered politics, politicians have said this will be the most important election of our lifetimes,” Karl said. “They said that no matter how high or low the stakes actually were. Election Day 2024 is exactly six months from today, and this time the divisions in our country are so vast and the choice so stark, there’s little doubt this really is the most important election of our time.

“No more crying wolf,” Karl said. “This is it.”

The back half of Karl’s monologue focused mostly on former President Donald Trump.

“In a lengthy interview with Time magazine, the man who still refuses to accept the results of the last election refused to say whether he would accept the results of this one,” Karl said. “And the man who saw his supporters attack the Capitol three years ago said there would not be violence this time if he wins, adding, quote ‘and if we don’t win, you know, it depends.’ It always depends on the fairness of an election. To be clear, Trump says no violence if he wins. All bets are off if he loses.”

Karl’s commentary comes one work after a Stephanopolous show opener went viral in which he said “bedrock tenants of democracy are being tested in a way we haven’t seen since the Civil War.”

“It’s a test for the candidates, for those of us in the media, and for all of us as citizens,” Stephanopoulos said.

Watch above, via ABC.

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Joe DePaolo is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Email him here: Follow him on Twitter: @joe_depaolo