Joe Scarborough Hedges on Prior Call for Biden to Bow Out While Raising Stakes to Dems: ‘You Better Get This Right’


Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough hedged on his call for President Joe Biden to consider if it’s time to bow out of the presidential race on Friday and opted instead to urge Democrats to “take the time” and to “get this right.”

In his last appearance on the show, which came the day after Biden’s lackluster performance in the CNN presidential debate, Scarborough asked whether the president was “up to the task of running” and argued former President Donald Trump will win the election in November “unless there’s a change.”

At the time, the remark caused friction in the studio as Biden-loyal co-host Mika Brzezinski, Scarborough’s wife, demanded that “everybody calm down” – to which Scarborough snapped back: “Mika, everybody’s calm here. You’re the only one raising your voice.”

In the week since, with Scarborough off-air, reportedly on planned leave, Brzezinski repeatedly backed Biden, including with a 15-minute long pro-Biden monologue.

On his return to the show Friday, however, Scarborough offered a more tempered take on Biden and the decision to be taken by the Democratic Party, calling for “open hearts and open minds.”

I’ll tell you what, so many Democrats on the phone nonstop since that debate. There’s panic. No doubt, there’s panic all around. I said eight days ago that the president needed to consider getting out. Said we needed to give it time, see what’s going to happen. I think we’re still there. I mean, it is July the 5th. This happened eight days ago. Decision time is not upon us yet, though it may be coming soon. We should first honor a man who was first on the ballot 54 years ago by giving him the time and the space to make his decision before we tell him that we’ve made ours.

Continuing, Scarborough praised Biden’s record and knocked “right-wing media” for its coverage.

So please, please, Republicans, please, right-wing media outlets, spare us your moral indignation over a man who had a really, really terrible debate. But a man who has been the most effective president over the past three and half years. The most effective president in passing bipartisan legislation this century. The most effective president in strengthening the dollar over the past 50 years. The most successful president when it comes to expanding our alliances, expanding NATO, expanding our defense reach all around China.

The host then shifted his focus to the Democrats.

What Democrats need to find out this week and what Democrats need to worry about this week are not what the newspapers that were lying about Joe Biden for years before this past week say. They need to look to Joe Biden. He needs to answer the question, is he capable of moving forward? He knows he needs to answer that question. He’s answered it in interviews. He needs to answer it in press conferences. He needs to answer the NATO summit. He needs to answer it in everything that he does.

As for the rest of us, and that’s Democrats, that’s independents, that’s Republicans of good faith, let’s be smart. Let’s take a deep breath, and let’s understand, it’s only July the 5th. Such an historic decision should not be made in haste.

Now, listen, the Democratic Party is not my party. I’m an independent. But it is the only party that is standing between our democracy, our great constitutional republic, and an autocratic thug who has promised to be dictator on day one. So, Democrats, you better get this right. You’d better think through it. You better take your time. You better take a deep breath, and you better get this right. If you do, America will follow you. Most Americans do not want the other guy to be elected president of the United States. Don’t put them in a position where they feel like they have to vote for the tyrant by default. Do take the time necessary, though, to get this right because American democracy is riding on it, and the whole world is watching what you’re doing. Good luck.

Watch above on MSNBC.

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