‘He’s Evil!’ First Lady Jill Biden Hammers Trump At Campaign Rally Over ‘Suckers and Losers’ Remarks


First Lady Dr. Jill Biden hammered former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally, calling Trump “evil” and lambasting him over alleged remarks calling American war dead “suckers” and “losers.”

President Joe Biden and his campaign have consistently attacked Trump — including at the CNN debate — his reported remarks calling U.S. military casualties “suckers” and “losers” — remarks that were confirmed by Trump’s then-Chief of Staff John Kelly.

The first lady gave a speech at a “Veterans and Military Families for Biden-Harris” event in Columbus, Georgia, during which she trashed Trump over those remarks — including an aside calling him “evil” that was not part of her prepared remarks:

FIRST LADY DR. JILL BIDEN: So four years ago, Joe went from being a military dad to a commander in chief. It’s a responsibility he stepped into with pride because, as Joe reminds everyone, any chance he gets. Our U.S. military is the finest fighting force in the history of the world!

Of all that Joe has shouldered since he took the oath of office, he believes that we have only one sacred obligation in preparing those we send into harm’s way, and caring for them and their families when they come home.

So anyone can tell you what they want to do. But Joe Biden can tell you what he’s done. For our military and their families, he’s lowered the cost of child care and mental health services. He signed the first and only executive order to help military spouses keep their careers. He ended the war in Afghanistan because the sacrifice of art that we asked of our military families was too steep for too long. For our veterans, he expanded reproductive health care, including.

Unidentified Access to IVF. And as Gloria said, he signed the Pact act to give veterans the benefits that you deserve. And he expanded counseling and launched.

FIRST LADY DR. JILL BIDEN: Nine a day to help end veterans suicide. As commander in chief, President Biden wakes up every morning ready to work for you.

FIRST LADY DR. JILL BIDEN: Because you are what this election is all about. For all the talk out there about this race, Joe has made it clear that he’s all in!

CROWD: (APPLAUSE) Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!

FIRST LADY DR. JILL BIDEN: Thank you! Thank you! That’s the decision that he’s made. And just as he has always supported my career, I’m all in too!

And I know you are too or you wouldn’t be here today. And with four more years, Joe will continue to fight for you, the military community that he that we are humbled and proud to call our own.

You know, my dad served as a signalman in– a Navy signalman in World War Two. And as Gloria said in 2003, our son Beau joined the Delaware Army National Guard and served for a year in Iraq. So this is personal to us.

We know what it’s like to wait on the lagging phone call from across the world to smile through another holiday with an empty chair at the table.

So let me ask you this. Does Donald Trump know anything about military fam–? No!

CROWD: No! No! No!

FIRST LADY DR. JILL BIDEN: He disparages those who sacrifice for our country. His own chief of staff said he called P.O.W.s and those who died in war “losers and suckers!”

He’s evil! He said he didn’t want to be seen with injured veterans because it didn’t look good for him. It’s disgraceful!

But it’s not surprising. Donald Trump wakes up every morning thinking about one person and one person only: himself!

We know what Donald Trump was like as commander in chief, and it could be worse this time. Last week, the Supreme Court ruled that there are virtually no limits on what a president can do.

Our democracy cannot withstand a Trump presidency with virtually no limits.

Service members honor their oath to support and defend the Constitution. We cannot trust Donald Trump to do the same!

The military community deserves better. You deserve a commander in chief who serves with integrity and wisdom and character. And that’s my husband, Joe Biden.

Watch above via Pool.

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