‘He’s Disgusting!’ Chris Christie Lays Waste to Trump’s ‘Dog-Whistling’ on Immigrants ‘Poisoning the Blood’ of America


Chris Christie held back little as he ripped into Donald Trump’s blatantly anti-immigrant rhetoric in his most recent campaign events.

The former New Jersey governor joined CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday, who started State of the Union off by asking the Republican presidential candidate for his thoughts about Trump’s New Hampshire rally on Saturday. The former president quoted Vladimir Putin in order to rail against America’s institutions over the numerous criminal charges he faces.

“It shows the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy,” Trump said while parroting the Russian autocrat. Christie scoffed at Trump touting Putin as an “expert witness” on democracy, mocking him by saying “this is a guy who just believes ‘Woe is me. Woe is me. I can’t believe I got caught.'”

After Christie spoke about Trump’s legal peril from the testimony of former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, Tapper asked Christie what he thought of Trump telling his supporters that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.” He said this by claiming America is being inundated by South American, African and Asian migrants who come from “mental institutions and prisons.”

Trump’s remarks were condemned by the Biden campaign, and Christie also made it abundantly clear he did not approve. He also took a shot at his primarily rivals who’ve refused to join him in his strident criticisms of the Republican frontrunner.

He’s disgusting. And what he’s doing is dog-whistling to Americans who feel absolutely under stress and strained from the economy and from the conflicts around the world, and he’s dog whistling to blame on people from areas that don’t look like us.

The other problem with this is the Republicans are saying this is okay. Almost 100 members of congress have endorsed him. Nikki Haley this week said he’s fit to be president. You’re telling me that someone who said that immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country, someone who said Vladimir Putin is a character witness is fit to be president of the United States?

‘Was the right president at the right time?’ Nikki Haley should be ashamed of herself, and she’s part of the problem because she’s enabling him. She’s enabling him by saying to people ‘It’s okay.’

Let me be really clear, I’m in this race to let people know, it’s not okay. It is not okay for an American president to be saying these things, and she should be ashamed of herself. And these members of Congress who just sit there and nod their head like a dog in the back of a car, just nodding away, when he said all of these things, because all their about is their own political future… This is why American leadership is falling down.

Watch above via CNN.

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