Dismayed House Dem Says Party Still Divided on Biden After Meeting: ‘We’re Not Even in the Same Book’


Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) emerged from a House Democratic caucus meeting in low spirits on Tuesday.

Asked by reporters if he and his colleagues were “all on the same page” regarding President Joe Biden’s candidacy after the meeting, Cohen tersely replied “No.”

After he was asked what he meant by his answer, Cohen declared “We’re not even in the same book.”

Cohen also told Axios’s Andrew Solender that some people in attendance at the meeting continued to push for Biden to withdraw from the presidential race.

There is some evidence to suggest, though, that Democrats have begun to close ranks around Biden after nearly two weeks of panic following his disastrous debate with presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), for instance, reversed himself on Tuesday morning, telling reporters that he would support Biden despite the fact that he privately called on the president to drop out during a Zoom meeting over the weekend.

“He [Biden] said he’s gonna remain in, he’s our candidate, and we’re all going to support him,” Nadler told reporters before walking into the meeting on Tuesday.

“Well that kind of leaves you with no choice then, I take it?” a reporter asked Nadler.

“Well, yes,” acknowledged the congressman.

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