
CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta reignited the conversation around President Joe Biden’s cognitive health, urging for comprehensive testing and transparency in a plea following the “concerning” debate performance by Biden.

In an editorial for CNN on Friday, as well as in conversation with CNN anchor Jim Sciutto, Gupta noted various symptoms from the night, including Biden’s “confused rambling; sudden loss of concentration in the middle of a sentence; halting speech and absence of facial animation, resulting at times in a flat, open-mouthed expression.”

Gupta’s assessment is supported by over a dozen neurologists and emphasized the need for detailed cognitive and movement disorder evaluations for the president. While acknowledging that these observations aren’t diagnostic, Gupta argued that such testing is essential, particularly given Biden’s age and medical history.

The most recent health summary from February declared Biden “fit for duty,” with an extensive neurological exam showing no signs of disorders like Parkinson’s. However, the absence of specific cognitive testing has drawn criticism, especially in light of Biden’s past brain surgeries, which could heighten risks of delayed cognitive issues with age.

Speaking with Sciutto, Gupta said that testing would may also show a way that any symptoms could “potentially be treated as well.”

He continued: “If he were my patient, frankly, if he were my father, I would advocate for this sort of testing again in large

part because there might be something you can do about it.

Contrarily, the White House maintains that further testing is unnecessary, a stance reiterated by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Despite this, Gupta and his colleagues call for transparency, highlighting the benefits of early detection and treatment for potential cognitive decline.

Former President Donald Trump’s cognitive health has also been under scrutiny. Trump claims to have aced the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) twice, though the MoCA is not as thorough as the tests Gupta recommends for Biden.

Watch above on CNN.