CNN’s Kate Bolduan Presses Dem Senator on ‘Risk of Blowback’ From Colorado Trump Ruling: Even Chris Christie Says Voters Should Decide


CNN anchor Kate Bolduan confronted Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) on the possible political ramifications from the Colorado Supreme Court ruling former President Donald Trump ineligible on the state’s 2024 ballot.

Bolduan spoke with Coons Wednesday for CNN News Central, where she asked him for his thoughts on the ruling that Trump is disqualified for the presidency under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment’s forbiddance of anyone who “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” to hold office. Coons hailed the ruling as “plain reading of the text,” saying it’s “undeniable” that Trump fomented an insurrection by inciting his supporters to storm the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

After Coons predicted that the Supreme Court will take on the Trump campaign’s on the ruling, Bolduan asked him “Do you think there could some… risk of blowback amongst voters on this?” She stressed this question by pointing to Chris Christie, who has been Trump’s most critical rival in the 2024 GOP primary, yet even he says that voters should be the ones to decide Trump’s political fate.

“Well, that is an interesting take,” Coons responded. “Governor Christie has also publicly said that Donald Trump is not fit to hold office. So whether it is a court that determines he’s unfit to hold office because he took up force against our Constitution or mobilized a mob against our Constitution, or because the electorate throws him out, I don’t think that it really matters. If he is unfit to hold office, we should all be encouraged by any action that makes it less likely he will return to the presidency.”

Watch above via CNN.

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