‘This President Doesn’t Sell Bibles—’ Black Church Pastor Roasts Trump Hard In Fiery Biden Speech Intro


Mount Airy Church of God In Christ Senior Pastor Bishop Dr. J. Louis Felton roasted former President Donald Trump as he introduced President Joe Biden, mocking Trump on a variety of issues — including his $60 Bible/Lee Greenwood lyrics sheet/Founding Document compendium.

The president has attempted to reassure critics of his poor debate performance with a series of interviews and a stepped-up campaign schedule.

That schedule included three stops in Pennsylvania on Sunday, including one at Bishop Felton’s church. In a prayer introducing the president, Bishop Felton expressed “love” for Biden — and after the speech, promised the president that he and his congregation “stand with you.”

But Dr. Felton also spent a good chunk of the twenty-minute-plus introduction roasting Trump on topics like the Trump Bible, the election fraud lies, the riot on January 6, and more. A sampling:

BISHOP DR. J. LOUIS FELTON: We need to be here because the Bible says pray for them that are in authority. This president doesn’t sell Bibles. He actually reads the Bible!

And that is why I need to submit to you today that we must challenge the so-called notion that there are individuals on the conservative wing of the political spectrum who are right!

We need to change that, because you can’t be right and kill police officers on January 6th! You are not right, you are dead wrong!

Our president is a man of vision and integrity. And so, since our president is right. Let us correct the notion that a few days ago, during a debate, he was accused of never having fired anybody. He fired the one who accused him of never firing anybody!

Let the record show the election of 2020 was not stolen! It was a fair, free, fraud-less election!

For if the election had been stolen, as court cases were presented before Republican judges, even to the Supreme Court, then certainly the outcome would have been different.

But every court said that was no significant fraud in the election.

What did happen was a call made to Atlanta, Georgia, to “find me 11,000 votes.”

Let’s understand something. I don’t know why it is that you want to make an issue of the president and his condition, with stammering and not being able at certain times to bring forth words, while another person lies fluently and you never challenged his lies!

Watch above via Mount Airy Church of God In Christ.

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