Texts Johnny Depp Sent Paul Bettany Fantasizing About Having Sex with Amber Heard’s ‘Burnt Corpse’ Read Aloud in Court


A particularly gruesome text exchange between Johnny Depp and Paul Bettany was read aloud in court during Depp’s defamation trial against his ex-wife Amber Heard. 

Depp returned to the stand Thursday for the third day of his testimony, during which Heard’s attorney read text exchanges between the actor and several of his acquaintances.

“Let’s burn Amber!” Depp texted his friend and former co-star Bettany on June 11, 2013.

“Having thought it through I’m not sure we should burn Amber,” Bettany responded. “She is delightful company and pleasing on the eye. We could of course do the English course of action and perform a drowning test. Thoughts?”

Bettany then reminded Depp that he has a swimming pool handy.

Seemingly excited by the idea of drowning Heard, Depp responded, “Let’s drown her before we burn her!!! I will fuck her burnt corpse afterwards to make sure she’s dead.”

Bettany replied by telling Depp those were his “thoughts exactly,” adding, “Let’s be CERTAIN before we pronounce her a witch.”

In another text exchange read in court, this time between Depp and Heard in 2014, Depp refers to himself as a “fucking savage” in a message lamenting his “behavior.”

Read the text in full below:

It’s away… I’ve let it go… Went too far… We/I tend to do that.. I always regret it when I jump, or worse… When you jump!!! I don’t want to be conditioned to continue that behavior… Therefore, I’ll put in heavy work with Shrank… I’m sorry for being less… For your disappointment in me… For my behavior. I’m a fucking savage … Gotta lose that.. Gonna lose that!!! The Devil is All Around, right…?? I wish I were able to bring even just a glimmer of a smile to the pretty face of my most gorgeous of dreams and darkest nightmares… I love you far too much for you and I to be these heinous slinging insults like we do/did.. It is not anything that I am particularly proud of to have participated in… And, I regret giving it life… Because… Motherfucker… How when we fight, little girl… ????? How do we end up on the very edge of the precipice..?? And, why?? Wish I knew. Goddamn… And… Know that YOU ARE RIGHT…I!! I am, WELL AWARE that I SHOULD have been bigger than the moment… And, that it WILL NEVER again manifest in negative experiences… It can be done!!! What a killer concept to visualize… Wish you were in this Lunatic’s proximity… Be careful out there… I adore you!!!

Heard replied by telling Depp that she loves him.

More 2014 text exchanges were later read in court, showing Depp telling Bettany that he wanted to “properly stop the booz thing,” before detailing a drug and whiskey-fueled bender.

Watch above, via Law and Crime.

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