
Joe Biden remained optimistic on Wednesday morning during a speech in Delaware addressing supporters, saying that he and his campaign “believe we’re on track to win this election.” Still, Biden said the presidential election is too close to call as of 1:00 a.m. ET.

“We feel good about where we are. We really do,” Biden said on Wednesday morning. “I’m here to tell you we believe we’re on track to win this election. We knew because of the unprecedented early vote and the mail-in vote it was going to take a while. We are going to have to be patient until the hard work of tallying the votes is finished. And it ain’t over till every vote is counted, but we’re feeling good.”

To start the night, Trump took a decisive victory in Florida, gaining him 29 electoral votes in the battleground state. But later on, Biden has held a large lead into Arizona — a race Fox News has called in Biden’s favor. While odds swung in Trump’s favor late into Tuesday night, the race tightened into Wednesday morning.

“We could know the results as early as tomorrow morning but it may take a little longer,” Biden continued. “As I’ve said all along, it’s not my place or Donald Trump’s place to declare who’s won this

election. That’s the decision of the American people. But I’m optimistic about this outcome.”

“We’re going to win this,” Biden concluded. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your patience is great.”

Watch above, via ABC.