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Welcome BCBP Postdocs!

Welcome current and prospective postdocs to the Biochemistry and Biophysics department at UNC! We have over 50 postdoctoral researchers in our department labs performing diverse and innovative research at the cutting-edge of their fields. As a department, we support postdocs by providing opportunities to present their research, sponsoring a committee to represent postdoc interests to the department, providing leadership and professional development opportunities, and inviting postdocs to all our social events. We strive to make our community a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone. We hope you find the contacts and resources on this webpage useful for navigating aspects of being a postdoc at UNC. Please feel free to reach out to any of our postdoctoral leaders or faculty!

– Jean Cook, Ph.D. Professor & Chair

Read more updates from our Chair of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Chair’s Corner Blog


Contacts for Postdocs:

Please contact any of us with your questions or concerns.

Useful Resources for Postdocs:

Postdoc News & Events

Email Steven Torchio or Carolyn Clabo to request subscription to the BCBP Postdoc listserv


Tuesday 11:00 am


Tuesday 11:00 am


Monday 8:00 am


Tuesday 11:00 am


Tuesday 11:00 am


Tuesday 11:00 am

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