
Here you can find contact details for most questions regarding education at the department.

See also other contact information:

Department management, library, visiting and delivery address
Teachers and researchers can be found on the list of all employees

Find us

If you are going to office hours/drop in for the student office or study advisors, go to floor 3 of house 1 in Albano. The door to the student office is at one end of the big open space in the middle of house 1, just by the stairs that go up to floor 4.

You can find a list of the various entrances to the Department of Mathematics at


Student affairs office

At the Student affairs office you will get help with questions about registrations and course credits.

Student affairs office

Study advisors

Our study advisors can help you with questions concerning our courses and your study plan.

Study advisor in mathematics and mathematical statistics
Study advisor in computer science and scientific computing
Study advisor for students needing special pedagogical support
Study advisor for the teacher education program
Career advice

Erasmus coordinator and international exchange

The department's exchange coordinator can assist you with questions concerning our exchange programmes.

Erasmus coordinator and international exchange

Directors of studies

Directors of studies can help you with questions concerning credit transfer, and problems related to education.

Director of undergraduate studies in mathematics
Director of undergraduate studies in mathematical statistics
Director of undergraduate studies in computational mathematics
Director of studies for the teacher education programme
Director of studies for the PhD programme in mathematics
Director of studies for the PhD programme in mathematical statistics
Director of studies for the PhD programme in computational mathematics
On this page