Wilson Quarterly

Produced by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, one of the world’s leading think tanks, the Wilson Quarterly had been in continuous print for nearly 40 years when its editorial team decided to fully commit to a digital-first strategy.


While a website had been maintained for years, it had never been thought of as the primary outlet for the publication. Throughout the project, the editorial team showed a willingness to rethink every aspect of how their strategy translated to digital. By providing a tight feedback loop and plenty of creative leeway, we were able to challenge the assumptions of how a scholarly journal should feel.




  • Interactive Prototypes
  • Design & Art Direction
  • Responsive Front-End Development
  • Backend Development
  • Server & Infrastructure Management
  • Newsletter Subscriptions
  • Analytics
  • User Behavior Tracking
  • Customized Recommendations
  • Quarterly Publishing Schedule
  • Daily Publishing Feed
  • Interactive Story Maps
  • Optimized Search

⚡️ Lighting Fast Search

With 40 years of archives to sort through, Wilson Quarterly needed fast, full-text search. Thanks to Proof's search API, readers can find even the most highly specific stories almost instanenously.

Quarterly Issues

Wilson Quarterly's editors compose four thematic issues a year by sourcing stories from respected foreign policy experts. The result is a sobering, in-depth look at the most significant issues across the globe.

Story Maps

An interactive map helps readers visualize where stories take place, and gives context to how they impact the world around them.

Want to see what we can do for you?

We don't do templates and we don't copy past work, but we'd love to talk to you about your project and figure out a solution that's just right for you.

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