Health & Wellness

Is Manifesting Life-Changing Or A Waste Of Time?

"Itโ€™s about being empowered to create the life you deserve."
Does manifestation work.Getty

Zoe Marshallโ€™s mother introduced her to The Secret a month before she died. The Oprah-endorsed book and accompanying DVD was, in many ways, pop cultureโ€™s introduction to the concept of manifestation โ€“ but for Zoe, it was personal. Not that she knew that at the time.

The first time she watched it, Marshall says The Secret went over her head. โ€œI knew there was something important in that film, but I didnโ€™t understand it until the passing of my mother,โ€ she tells marie claire.

โ€œWhen she passed, I found myself in a really dark place. I was also in an abusive relationship and had a huge falling out with my family. I was desperate to heal. I learned what the true power of manifestation was when I was in this place, and that really did save me.โ€

What Is Manifesting?

Today, Marshall has created her own manifestation program, ariise. All too familiar with manifestationโ€™s naysayers, Marshall has partnered with neuroscientist Joel Pearson to share insights throughout the course โ€“ oh, and sheโ€™s rebranded the entire concept. โ€œIโ€™ve renamed manifestation to co-creation,โ€ Marshall says.

โ€œItโ€™s about being empowered to create the life you deserve with the support of the universe, God, angels, mother nature โ€“ whatever you want to call it. I think often the misconception of manifestation is that you wish really hard for something, and it magically appears. Thatโ€™s not manifestation. Thatโ€™s just wishful thinking. You must take aligned action.โ€

Marshall says the key to manifestation is deep inner work. โ€œLike attracts like. You want to feel positive and happy about everything in your life, so the universe meets you with more of that. The universe is a magnet, and matches your vibe.โ€ Thatโ€™s easier said than done, of course, and thatโ€™s where Marshall believes that ariise stands out from other manifestation practices.

โ€œariise is so different because we meet people where theyโ€™re at, whether youโ€™re at rock bottom and are coming through something really serious, or youโ€™re in a good โ€˜neutralโ€™ place. Others that teach manifestation market it toward the privileged, theyโ€™re assuming everyone is okay and at neutral. Lots of people donโ€™t feel like this is for them or that they can access it.โ€

How Do We Release Limiting Beliefs?

For those people, the key lies in releasing limiting beliefs. โ€œYou can only manifest what you believe you deserve,โ€ Marshall explains. โ€œIf youโ€™re truly longing for a life partner but you have a belief that you are unlovable, no matter how much you try to manifest this person, you have a block. Once we find the subconscious block, we can heal that by creating a new neural pathway that shifts this belief into โ€˜I am deserving.โ€™โ€

And for the skeptics, thereโ€™s good news. โ€œAll of the mindset tools, and ways to prime the nervous system, will be uber beneficial whether you believe in the universe or not,โ€ Marshall says. โ€œItโ€™s changing your perspective and having a robust, positive and resilient

mindset. This is why I say itโ€™s a lifestyle. Itโ€™s a practice; learning to trust that what is for us, will find us.โ€ If Marshallโ€™s career trajectory is anything to go by, the proof is in the pudding.

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