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The NSW Birth Trauma Inquiry Results Prove Change Needs To Happen

The inquiry has been described as the "Me Too Of Childbirth."
Birth trauma inquiry.Getty

An inquiry into the prevalence of child birth trauma in New South Wales has recommended that the state government make โ€œurgent effortsโ€ to prevent women experiencing trauma during child birth.

The inquiry, which is the first of its kind in the world, began in Sydney last year.

More 4000 submissions were made by the public, with many of the testimonies describing of a lack of consent, insufficient pain relief and issues with clinical staff during childbirth.

The submissions also revealed that many mothers didnโ€™t find informed consent was a priority and that there as a lack of โ€œcultural competencyโ€ in the birthing space.

According to the ABC, the overwhelming number of traumatic experiences recounted to the inquiry has led University of Sydney professor Hannah Dahlen, to describe the response as the โ€œme tooโ€ of child birth. 

โ€œNo means no except apparently in childbirth, and itโ€™s time to change that,โ€ Professor Dahlen said last year, โ€œThis is the โ€˜me tooโ€™ of childbirth.โ€

In a similar vein, committee chair Animal Justice Party MP Emma Hurst said that there was a growing understand of birth trauma as a โ€œform of gendered violence.โ€

In 2022, Professor Dahlen published a study that stated one third of women will experience a traumatic birthing eventโ€”a figure determined by a survey of over 8000 Australian women. 

According to Dahlenโ€™s study, the ongoing impact of birth trauma can lead to mental health issues including postnatal depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as problems with bonding with the baby. 

birth trauma
More than 4000 submissions recounted traumatic child birth experiences. (Credit: Getty)

What Has The Inquiry Recommended?

On the first day of the inquiry, the committee found that women are not provided with adequate information surrounding the potential dangers and complications that can occur during child birth. 

The NSW Parliamentary birth trauma committee made 43 recommendations to the state government.

These recommendations include investing and expanded midwifery โ€˜continuity of carerโ€™ services, which see mothers seeing the same midwife or team of midwives throughout during the pregnancy and birthing process. This would see the mother have access to the same medical practitioner throughout pregnancy and birth. 

According the NSW health representatives, staffing is the biggest barrier to providing this service. However, the Nurses and Midwives union offered a solution, calling for private midwives to be given hospital visiting rights and for childcare hours to extend for those needing to work odd hours.  

In response to medical professionals describing a lack of trauma-informed training, resource constraints and severe understaffing, the recommendations also include midwives receiving more education on trauma-informed care, and for parents to be given โ€œclear and comprehensiveโ€ education to make sure that they are confidently giving consent.

Board director of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG), Dr Jared Watts told inquiry women are โ€œmeeting the obstetricians for the first time when their legs are in the air,โ€

โ€œTheyโ€™ve never met these people before, theyโ€™re doing things to them they donโ€™t understand and we really need to change this to patient-centre care.โ€

The ABC also reported that Dr Watts told the inquiry RANZCOG supports improved antenatal education but finds it โ€œhardโ€ to share the information with pregnant women. 

โ€œYou donโ€™t want to scare women, because you wouldnโ€™t want to have a child if you knew of every complication that could happen,โ€ Dr Watts said. 

However, these comments were disputed by Australasian Birth Trauma Association president Amy Dawes, who claimed โ€œwe need to stop infantilising women.โ€ 

You can find all 43 recommendations here.

Birth trauma can lead to a number of ongoing problems. (Credit: Getty)

What Has The NSW Government Said In Response?

Before the report was released, NSW Health made an apology to those who have experienced trauma during childbirth, when deputy secretary of Health System Strategy of NSW Health, Deb Wilcox said, โ€œWe are sorry this has been their experience and NSW health commits to listening and learning.โ€ 

Since the findings were released, Health Minister Ryan Park said: โ€œIโ€™m determined to make sure that we have birthing processesโ€ฆ that are engaged deeply with women from the very beginning of the processโ€ฆ so that they donโ€™t feel like theyโ€™re an outsider giving birth.โ€

โ€œOur hope is that the evidence documented in this report willโ€ฆ prompt action across Australia and the world with the hope that every birth is met with dignity, respect and compassion.โ€

The NSW government has until the end of August to respond.

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