Celebrating Every Win!

Hello Friends,  

Just like the seasons, Marian House is abuzz with change, growth and transition. New women are entering Marian House I full of hope and anticipation. Several women completed their first in-person mock interviews with over 8 interviewers from corporate partners since COVID. Ladies in Marian House II are achieving goals, gaining financial stability, and pursuing their dreams.  

With your support, Marian House helps residents to develop the skills to achieve their independence and move into the world with confidence. Phyllis is a prime example; she has grown stronger everyday since she started with us. She is a living of example of “not looking like what she has been through”. Lisa (Lisa Shifren Photography) and Donna Maria took stunning photographs of over 20 women and children of Marian House at Christmas. Please read Phyllis’ encouraging story in the Resident Spotlight. She is one of many women supported by your love and generosity. (We have also shared a few holiday photos on page 4). 

On April 12th, we celebrated 42 years of ministry and service. To celebrate, we held an online day of giving and celebration. In May, our Ravens Raffle Ticket sales begin. Take a chance to win season tickets with us. Also, we are returning Blingo! You can play Bingo and win jewelry and accessories valued over $100. Tickets are $50 per person. Blingo is being held on May 10, 2024 at Notre Dame Preparatory. Details on all these events are inside.  

We are in full swing planning for our 16th Annual Race to Embrace Independence on Saturday, September 28, 2024. Early bird registration begins soon for the reduced price of $40. We hope you will partner with us, sponsor our race, and join the festivities. As always, we need volunteers, sponsors, and runners. I can’t wait to celebrate all great things happening with you in person. We are going to have a great time! Thank you in advance supporting our events and activities.  

The biggest news to start the season – Marian House was among more than 250 awardees from across the country selected by MacKenzie Scott through the Yield Giving Open Call to receive $2 million dollars! We are overjoyed and overwhelmed with gratitude! There are not enough words to express our thanks for their vote of confidence in us and their investment in our work in Baltimore through Mackenzie Scott’s Yield Giving (Read full Press Release on our website). We will steward your gift with love and wisdom, as we house and lead women and their families on their healing journey. 


In leadership, gratitude & joy, 

Katie Allston LCSW-C 

President & CEO