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Les Marchés Publics de Montréal

Spelt and grilled asparagus salad with fresh herb vinaigrette

All recipes |  Appetizers, Main dishes

Spelt and grilled asparagus salad with fresh herb vinaigrette, Entrées
  • Serves four.
  • Easy to make, tasty and fresh. One of Chef Nicole-Anne Gagnon’s favourite summer recipes.


    • 1 bunch of asparagus (250 g)
    • 225 g spelt
    • 600 ml water
    • 300 ml cherry tomatoes, halved
    • 2 green onions, sliced thinly
    • Olive oil
    • Salt, to taste
    • Crisp lettuce leaves


    • 1 clove garlic, chopped
    • 30 ml white wine vinegar
    • 45 ml chopped parsley
    • 15 ml chopped tarragon
    • 15 ml chopped coriander
    • 30 ml chopped basil
    • 150 ml olive oil
    • Salt and freshly ground pepper


    1. Brush the asparagus with olive oil, season with salt and grill until browned but still crunchy. Cut into pieces and set aside.
    2. Meanwhile, cook the spelt in simmering salted water about 25 min. or until grains are tender. Drain if necessary and stir to cool.
    3. Vinaigrette: puree all of the ingredients, except oil, in a hand blender. Pour the oil into the puree in a thin stream, whisking constantly until the texture is creamy. Season with salt and pepper.
    4. Add the vinaigrette to the spelt, asparagus, tomatoes and green onions.
    5. Let salad rest for about 5 min. before serving on a bed of lettuce.

    A recipe from our Chef, Nicole Anne Gagnon.

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