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Les Marchés Publics de Montréal

Duck Liver Parfait with Pear Ice Wine

All recipes |  Main dishes

Duck Liver Parfait with Pear Ice Wine, Plats principaux
  • This recipe can be prepared the day before. If you prepare it the same day it will be served, remember that it must rest at least four hours before serving.
    You may cook the six parfaits in silicone molds (that you will remove from the molds when you serve them) or in ovenproof ramekins.


    Serves six.

    • 250 g duck liver
    • 10 g butter
    • 1 minced shallot (30 ml)
    • 50 ml pear ice wine
    • 3 eggs
    • Salt and pepper to taste*
    • 500 ml 35% cream
    • * As a general rule, use 14 ml salt and 2 ml pepper.


    1. Sweat the shallot in the butter**, deglaze with the pear ice wine, reduce slightly, and set aside until the preparation has cooled completely.
    2. Meanwhile, chop up the duck liver.
    3. Preheat the oven to 165°C (330°F).
    4. Transfer the cooled preparation into a food processer with the duck liver. Salt and pepper. Reduce to a purée, then add the eggs, one by one.
    5. Pour the cream in a thin stream into the mixture and then pass it through a fine sieve.
    6. Pour the strained mixture into six buttered ramequins or silicone molds and place them in an ovenproof pan.
    7. Pour hot water into the ovenproof pan halfway up the sides of the molds, cover with aluminium foil, and bake in the oven until the mixture is firm to the touch (check for firmness after 30 minutes; if not yet firm, check again a few minutes later).
    8. Lift the molds out of the hot water, let them cool and then refrigerate until you are ready to serve the parfaits with the pear and blueberry compote.
    9. ** To sweat means to cook in butter without browning.

    A recipe from our chef, Nicole Anne Gagnon.

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