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Les Marchés Publics de Montréal

Beet-cured Gravlax

All recipes |  Appetizers, Main dishes

Beet-cured Gravlax, Entrées
  • Preparation time : 15 min.
  • Curing time: 36 to 48 hours.
  • A gravlax is a very festive dish, and easy to share. Make sure you prepare it at least 36 to 48 hours before, to let it cure. It is served with a delicious herb sauce!


    Serves 10.

    • 1 kg (2.2 lb.) fresh salmon with skin
    • 45 mL (3 tbsp.) vodka
    • 45 mL (3 tbsp.) olive oil
    • 100 mL (3/8 cup) brown sugar
    • 100 mL (3/8 cup) coarse salt
    • 1 bunch dill, chopped
    • 1 beet, grated

    Herb sauce

    • 500 mL (2 cups) sour cream
    • 30 mL (2 tbsp.) whole grain mustard
    • 100 mL (3/8 cup) fresh herbs, minced (parsley, chives, dill)
    • Salt and black pepper to taste


    1. Cut the salmon filet into two equal parts. Sprinkle the flesh sides with vodka, then spread olive oil over them. Set aside.
    2. Mix the brown sugar and course salt together, and spread it over the salmon.
    3. Mix the beet and dill in a bowl.
    4. Place the salmon filets in a deep dish and spread the beet/dill mixture over the salmon flesh. Cover with the second filet (with the flesh side on top of the mixture and skin side on top, like a sandwich).
    5. Cover with plastic cling wrap, place a dish or a cutting board that can sit directly on the filets and then weigh it down with something heavy (such as large cans) Let it cure in the refrigerator for 36 to 48 hours, turning the filet sandwich every 12 hours and pouring out the liquid that leaks out.
    6. Remove the filets, rinse them well and sponge dry with paper towel.
    7. Serve sliced very thinly with the herb sauce.

    Herb sauce

    1. Mix all the ingredients together and keep in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

    A recipe from the MPM’s resident chef, Nicole Anne Gagnon.

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