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Les Marchés Publics de Montréal
August 3, 2022

The first Foire des vins et cidres d’ici! at Marché Jean-Talon

All press releases The first Foire des vins et cidres d’ici! at Marché Jean-Talon

Montreal, August 4, 2022 – On Saturday, August 13, Jean Talon Market will hold its first local wine and cider show – the Foire des vins et cidres d’ici! It will be a perfect opportunity to stock cellars with interesting bottles. The event will also feature tastings and six free informative talks about our local wines and ciders. 

As well as stocking up on exclusive bottles, fans of Quebec’s wines and ciders will have the chance to meet talented producers and learn more about how they make their products, which are putting Quebec’s terroir on the map.

The event is presented in collaboration with Vins du Québec and Producteurs de cidres du Québec, and in partnership with the Ville de Montréal. 

“With the aim of offering Montrealers better access to local products, we are holding our first ever local wine and cider show. It’s a perfect opportunity to discover our products and learn about their producers, whether they are pioneers or newcomers,” said Nicolas Fabien-Ouellet, executive director of the Corporation de gestion des Marchés publics de Montréal.

“We at the Conseil des vins du Québec and our winemakers are proud to be part of the Foire des vins et des cidres d’ici!, where we will meet consumers and introduce them to our excellent terroir products,” said Melanie Gore, director of the Conseil des Vins du Québec.

"We are fortunate to be able to count on our long-term loyal customers and curious new ones who prefer local products. Let’s celebrate the fact that Quebec’s cider is 100% local, from apple to bottle. Our industry is growing fast, and sales of Quebec cider continue to rise. We have every reason to be proud,” said Marc-Antoine Lasnier, president of Les producteurs de cidre du Québec.


Fifteen wine and cider makers at the market

Fifteen exhibitors will be part of the event, showcasing and selling their exceptional products.


  • Domaine du Cap
  • Fragments 
  • La Capsule Temporelle 
  • Domaine l’Espiègle 
  • Vignoble les Farfelus
  • Vignoble 1292
  • Vignoble Les Bacchantes
  • Vignoble Domaine du Fleuve

Cider producers

  • Cidrerie Au Pied de Cochon
  • Autour de la pomme
  • Cidre Sauvageon 
  • Cidre Intrus
  • La cidrerie d’un hectare 
  • Cidrerie Maline
  • Les pommes perdues

Free talks on drinking local

As well as meeting the exhibitors, the public is invited to attend a series of free talks (in French) aimed at demystifying wine and cider. The talks will be given by industry professionals and moderated by Geneviève Vézina-Montplaisir of Caribou magazine. The talks will be held on the Jean-Talon Market mezzanine.

  • Restaurateur to cider maker – Vincent Dion-Lavallée, Cidrerie Au Pied de Cochon, 10:30 a.m. 
  • Quebec wines: 40 years of history! – Mélanie Gore, Conseil des vins du Québec, 11:30 a.m.
  • Cider 101: discovering Quebec’s ciders – Clémentine Gombard, Les producteurs de cidres du Québec, 1:30 p.m.
  • Truths about Quebec wines – Sébastien Daoust, Vignoble Les Bacchantes, 2:30 p.m. 
  • Domaine Lafrance and authenticity – Élara Girard, Domaine Lafrance, 3:30 p.m. 
  • Demystifying grape varieties – Louis Thomas, Vignoble Domaine du Fleuve, 4:30 p.m.


About the Conseil des vins du Québec

The Conseil des vins du Québec (CVQ) is an association with 130 members, 90 of them winemakers, united by a consuming passion for grape growing and winemaking. The CVQ works on numerous issues of interest with the aim of fostering the industry’s growth. These issues include entrepreneurs’ prosperity, advancing science and knowledge, and the marketing and promotion of Quebec-made wines.


About the Association des Producteurs de Cidres du Québec

Founded in 1992, the mission of the Association des Producteurs de cidre du Québec (PCQ) is to represent all of Quebec’s cider producers to promote their shared interests and realize Quebec cider’s full potential. Through its activities, the Association strives to ensure the industry’s long-term success by making cider a preferred consumer product for Quebecers and by demonstrating the superior quality of the product.

About the Corporation de gestion des Marchés publics de Montréal 

The Corporation de gestion des Marchés publics de Montréal is a social economy enterprise responsible for the planning, development, and operation of Montreal’s public markets. Its mission is to improve access to fresh food through a network of public markets that brings Montrealers closer to local farmers and agri-food businesses. Since 1993, it has been mandated by the Ville de Montréal to manage the Atwater, Jean-Talon, and Maisonneuve markets, six Neighbourhood markets and three Solidarity markets. It is a non-profit organization governed by a board of directors composed of five merchants and five residents of the Montreal urban agglomeration. Its membership includes nearly 200 merchants active at the public markets. The Corporation’s network of public markets is frequented by more than three quarters of Montrealers, with more than 3 million visits annually.




For further information and interview requests, please contact:
 Myriam Martin-Brochu
 Communications Manager

Corporation de gestion des Marchés publics de Montréal

Infolettre Marchés Publics de Montréal